Susie Jackson

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Ellie McBride - Specialist Virtual Assistant

This Freelance Insights interview features Ellie McBride, a specialist virtual assistant who runs Calibrated Concepts.⁠

⁠⁠I started following Ellie on Instagram because of her useful IGTV videos and blog posts, but I’ve loved seeing her posts about life as a female entrepreneur who has moved to a different continent and is making her business work (I can definitely relate!).⁠

⁠She runs a course called ‘Social Media Clarity’ that’s designed to help people streamline and simplify their social media by putting systems in place.⁠ It's a 3-day, email-based course that covers creating a content library, creating a weekly social media plan, and picking the best post scheduler for your business.

⁠If you’re in need of some organisation in your business, Ellie’s got just the thing for you! She’s created a collection of her favourite tools, tips, and strategies for running an efficient business. Start implementing them and creating systems with her guidance today by clicking on the button further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I'm a specialist virtual assistant and I help women-run businesses (either solo-entrepreneurs or very small teams) that are looking for assistance around content marketing and software set-up, integrations, and automations.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

My favourite thing about being a freelancer is hands down the flexibility. I know that's probably the reason many of us are freelancers, but the entire reason I started my business was so I could spend more time back home in the US with friends and family. This last summer I got to go home for three weeks, which was the longest I'd been back for since I moved.

Where do you usually work from?

I work from home in our spare room/office four days a week. I have a dog who sometimes lies on the bed and keeps me company! But I'm quite extroverted and my poor husband's ears were being talked off when he got home from work, so for my sanity I pay for a co-working space where I typically go on Wednesdays. That's really nice because of the social interaction and making good connections.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I work pretty standard working hours, but maybe slightly longer than most people because I start work at the time my husband commutes into work and I usually don't stop until he gets home. I start with emails and then move onto client work. If it's sunny, I take a longer break and take the dog out for a walk, then maybe work a bit in the evening if I need to. I probably spend around 50% of my time on client work and the other 50% on work for my own business.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

Be really mindful of your time and how you're spending it. If this doesn't come naturally to you, track your time and use something to train your brain, like the Pomodoro technique or time blocking in your calendar.

Oh, and another tip: don't be afraid to outsource early! One of the first things I did for my business was pay a professional photographer to take photos of me. It was the most expensive thing I'd bought for my business, but it meant I had photos I felt good in and was happy to put out there into the world. That meant I felt a little more at ease in promoting myself.

Free resource

Ellie has created a collection of her favourite tools, tips, and strategies for running an efficient business. Start implementing them and creating systems with her guidance today to get 5+ hours back in your week!

Connect with Ellie



Instagram: @calibratedconcepts

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