Susie Jackson

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Sara Duigou - Somatic Coach

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This Freelance Insights interview features somatic coach Sara Duigou.

I took Sara’s Reclaiming Home course in October last year and am now working with her 1:1. When we started, the whole world of the nervous system and somatics was completely new to me. I’ve always been a bit of an overthinker, trying to fix things in my head rather than stopping and thinking about what my body actually needs. Sara’s insight has been a true eye-opener, so I’m really glad she agreed to do this interview and share her wisdom with all of you as well :)

Sara is offering readers her nervous system toolkit and meditation for taking in the good. You can access them by clicking the buttons further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I’m a somatic coach, which means that I’m really curious about how we perceive the world through our bodies. So, our thoughts, our emotions, our movement, our sensations, and how all that intersects with embodied self-awareness. I love working with women to help them ‘come home’ to their bodies and reclaim all the parts of themselves that have maybe felt tentative or lost, or hard to sit next to.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

It has to be having my own schedule. The reason I got into somatics was because I’m a massive control freak, so working for myself in this area has helped me to keep the structure that’s helpful and get rid of what isn’t so helpful for me. I have two young kids, so I love being able to be there for them when they need me. It gives me freedom to have balance between what my work is and what my life is.

Where do you usually work from?

I have a little home office, which is the spare room next to my bedroom. It’s literally my favourite room in the house because I’ve properly claimed it as mine! I’ve got a nice sofa bed in there (not that I sleep in there!) but I’ve turned it into my very own haven. Anyone who comes round is always like, “This room is 100% you!” because it’s just got all my favourite stuff everywhere!

What does a normal working day look like for you?

A normal working day involves taking the kids to school, coming back home for breakfast when the house is quiet, walking my dog, and then getting to work. I do emails first thing, I’ll have client calls usually between 10am and 1pm, and then I’ll have lunch. If I don’t have client calls in the afternoon, I’ll work on prep, and then I usually stop at 4pm so I can pick my kids up and do fun mum stuff.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

This might be a bit of a wild card, but when you start your business, it’s really important not to have too much structure in place. Allowing yourself the potential to try new things and be spontaneous can be great for your creativity and finding what works for you. You can always put in that structure later, but I find that not being too rigid helps you to be creative and keep the joy in what you’re doing.

Free resources

If you’re curious to find out more about the nervous system and how we perceive things through our bodies, Sara is offering readers two free resources:

  1. Her nervous system toolkit, full of simple practices to weave into your day and help you feel steady through the storms of life.

  2. A meditation for taking in the good, which will help you to make a regular practice out of letting good moments land in your body (to rewire your system to seeing the good more easily).

Click on the buttons below to get access and a fresh perspective.

Connect with Sara

Instagram: @sara.duigou


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