Jo Hooper - Mental Health in Business Coach


Want to watch the interview with Jo in full? Click the image above!

This Freelance Insights interview features mental health in business coach Jo Hooper.

I’m really excited about this interview with Jo because she’s also my coach! We’ve been working together 1:1, and she’s helped me with so many things. I’ve made no secret of the fact that I struggle with anxiety, and there are various ways this affects my business, so I’ve truly appreciated Jo’s support. If you’d like to hear more from this interview, including our discussion about the link between our finances and mental health, you can watch the interview with Jo in full over on Instagram.

Speaking of which, Jo is kindly sharing a recorded workshop with readers about how to set boundaries on Instagram. You can get hold of examples, people to look at, words to use and places to use them by clicking the button further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I say that I made my business up! I’m not a therapist or a clinician, but I help people figure out how to manage their mental health as part of their work. I believe we all know how to best manage our own mental health. Sometimes that might involve clinical or medical support, but what I do is help people understand how to do the things that support their mental health alongside or as part of their business.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

I guess the answer is everything! I love that I’m in complete control of what I do. I love that I can have an idea one day and do it the next. I love that I can get up at 10 in the morning if I want to. I love that I can take time off when I want to. I love that, if it’s a beautiful sunny day, I can decide to go out and about without having to mention it to anyone, let alone justify it. I have lots of favourite things!

Where do you usually work from?

I actually moved from London to Edinburgh in January. Pre-pandemic in London, I would go into town two or three days a week and work from the RSA. But since moving, I work from home most of the time. We have a study room, which I absolutely love because it’s like a cosy snug. Although I have ventured out recently and tried working in cafés and a library because getting out is important for me.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

It varies because I have certain things on certain days. I always try to take Fridays off, and I never book anything in on a Monday, which is a day for catching up and creativity. I find that a busy end to the week or commitments on a Monday can leave me feeling a bit stressed and anxious. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have 1:1 calls. And every other Wednesday, I have my group programme in the morning.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

Listen to yourself and allow what you hear to be heard and acted on. I work with a lot of people with mental health issues or different neurodiversities, and lots of us who tick those beautiful boxes have been taught or told that we shouldn’t do something a certain way or that we need to do things differently. You don’t need to. You need to work in line with how you think, feel and are motivated.

Free resource

Jo has recorded a workshop that she is sharing to help you set boundaries on Instagram so that it doesn’t become a source of anxiety for you. Click on the button below to get access to lots of little tips and tricks!


Connect with Jo

Instagram: @getwildlyfree



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