Susie Jackson

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Natasha Samuel - Instagram Strategist

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This Freelance Insights interview features Instagram strategist Natasha Samuel.

I’ve been following Natasha for about a year now, and I view her as a kind of Instagram genius. Her content is full of great tips that so many of us can benefit from, and they just keep coming! One of the things I love about following Natasha is that you can really tell she’s having fun with everything she puts out there.

Natasha is the host of The Shine Online Podcast where she speaks to the brightest entrepreneurs she knows about everything from marketing, launching and content creation to mental health, hiring struggles and finding balance. It’s such a great resource for freelancers, and you can access it by clicking the button further down this page.

How do you describe what you do for work?

I describe myself as an Instagram strategist and educator. I initially started with management work, taking care of content for clients, but now I’ve shifted into the role of providing strategies through 1:1 work and intensive coaching. I also teach on the subject through courses, speaking engagements and my content. I’m just trying to educate people to help them develop their own Instagram strategies.

What's your favourite thing about working freelance?

My favourite thing is being able to be creative all the time, not just with my content but also with my services and new projects. I really enjoy working with brands and speaking on all different types of stages. No week or month is ever the same, which I absolutely love! Freedom is a huge benefit of working for yourself too, but I think that comes with great responsibility.

Where do you usually work from?

I usually work from my office! In the past, I’ve worked in bedroom corners and in coworking spaces, but now I’m working in my own little office, and it’s such a blessing. Anyone who’s ever worked from a dining table will understand the luxury of being able to create in your own space. And you can shut the door on your work at the end of the day!

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I’m usually up between 7 and 8am with my natural body clock. Then I’ll do some morning movement and have breakfast before diving into my DMs. Mondays are usually for admin, Thursdays for 1:1 coaching, and Friday is more of a free-for-all. But overall, I like to start my day with the most important things, and then take calls or do easier work after lunch when my energy lags. I’m usually done by 5 or 5.30pm.

What one tip would you give other freelancers about running a freelance business?

The first thing that comes to mind is really treating your business as an experiment. Whenever we’re trying or launching something new, it’s really hard if you always want it to be perfect and in its final version. But without putting the pressure on, you can learn from what you do and improve on it. Being creative is the true beauty of entrepreneurship, so you should keep things experimental.

Free resource

As part of this series, Natasha is sharing her podcast with readers. It’s called The Shine Online Podcast and is such a great resource for freelancers. It covers a whole range of topics, from marketing, launching and content creation to mental health, hiring struggles and finding balance in your business. You can find it by clicking on the button below.

Connect with Natasha

Instagram: @shinewithnatasha


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